Michael Mwaura
Pictured here are Michael, his wife, and their four children on their land.
Michael Mwaura is a 55 year old husband, father, and grandfather. He is also a 2010 graduate of the Untold program. Over ten years after his graduation, we had the opportunity to hear from Michael about where God has called him as an HIV advocate in the years following his time as an Untold client.
Michael and his wife first learned of their status in 2003, and he joined the Untold program in Limuru, Kenya in 2010. Upon joining the program, Michael faced self-stigma and feared disclosing his status to those around him.
“At that time, I was ashamed that I had contracted HIV… I did not dare to tell anyone about my status,” he explained.
Throughout the one-on-one counseling sessions and group therapy sessions, Michael gained confidence in himself and came to terms with his status. He believes this has been his greatest accomplishment to date. During the program, he began disclosing his status to people in his community and encouraging other HIV-positive people to join the program. Through his advocacy efforts, he was offered a position with the local hospital as a peer educator.
“When they approached me, I showed them my [Untold] certificate that vouched for my skills and knowledge. That is how I began working at Tigoni Hospital,” Michael added.
“I am not ashamed of my status and who I am. This confidence has opened doors for me to speak in government events and media interviews. I find joy and fulfillment when I share my story, and people like me find hope and choose to live a better life,” Michael added.
Following his time as a client, Michael has been actively involved in the lives of other Untold clients by volunteering to facilitate seminar sessions for Untold.
He has also maintained friendships with five other fellow clients. Together, the group attend events in the community - fundraising, distributing first aid kits, raising awareness for HIV and health advocacy, and recruiting new clients for the program.
During the program, Michael took a keen interest in beadwork. Initially, he made jewelry to sell to his friends and family. Over time, he has expanded his market to various areas, including exporting them to the U.S. in states like Minnesota. Today, he profits an average of $878 USD per year. With the financial opportunities that the Untold program gave him, he began to pursue farming and now owns over 70 pigs and chickens.
Since graduation, Michael has also prioritized a healthy lifestyle. “The program taught me how to value my health. The adherence training we had has been my guide to date, and I am proud to say that I have never missed a day without taking my medication,” Michael remarked.
Michael is now a pastor at Hosanna International Christian Center in Limuru. He recalls God calling him to pastoring during his involvement in Untold’s bible study sessions.
“The program has acted as a platform. The counselors and leaders believed in me even when I did not. They planted a seed in me during the nine months; it has now grown and produced many types of fruits. That was all I needed. God used the [Untold] program to catapult me into my destiny,” Michael concluded.