Foundational Helping Skills: The Face Behind the New Initiative

This week on the blog, we’re featuring none other than Dr. Rosco Kasujja, co-creator of Foundational Helping Skills (FHS). Untold collaborated with Dr. Kasujja, Ugandan national and Head of the Department of Mental Health & Community Psychology at Makerere University, to tailor the WHO FHS framework to the specific needs of our staff.

As a certified FHS/EQUIP trainer and a contributor to the course’s original design, Dr. Kasujja worked closely with Untold’s Programs team to deliver the core FHS competencies to over 300 East African staff members. He customized the training by incorporating real-life (de-identified) case examples and referencing Untold’s existing safety protocols, ensuring the content was relevant and practical for the team. As our team in Africa continue to reap the benefits of their training, learn more about why this initiative matters from the man who spearheaded it.


2024 Mid-Year Report


Foundational Helping Skills: Transforming Clients By Transforming Our Staff