We have learned over 16 years of ministry that stigma can be more deadly than sickness. Stigma often prevents people from accessing life-saving care. It also cuts people off from once thriving communities, leaving hundreds of thousands of men and women lonely, vulnerable, and spiritually devastated. The messaging and imagery associated with the AIDS SAID campaign re-centers the client in the narrative of our work. We want to stand with our clients as they eliminate the false identities that have burdened them.
Campaign Goals
Over the course of the AIDS SAID campaign, we will raise $26 million to fund the next three years of our work and expansion. In this timeframe, we want to double our impact by graduating an additional 25,000 graduates from our program.
+ Open 63 new locations in various regions to reach 150 total operating centers.
+ Graduate an additional 25,000 clients hitting the milestone of 50,000 graduates since inception.
+ Establish Untold in South Africa and launch centers in Johannesburg.
+ Invest in a permanent campus in Nairobi that will serve as an office and training center.
+ Build a world-class innovation team in East Africa to create new ways to serve men and women living with HIV.
+ Grow the capacity of U.S. operations by adding to our team and creating systems for scale.
Campaign Progress
$18 million of the $26 million goal has been given or committed as of September 2023.